Name and Con­tact Details of the Prin­ci­pal Researcher:

Antho­ny Steed,

You are being invit­ed to take part in a research project.  Before you decide it is impor­tant for you to under­stand why the research is being done and what par­tic­i­pa­tion will involve.  Please take time to read the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion care­ful­ly and dis­cuss it with oth­ers if you wish.  Ask us if there is any­thing that is not clear or if you would like more infor­ma­tion.  Take time to decide whether or not you wish to take part. If there is any­thing that is not clear or if you would like more infor­ma­tion please ask the exper­i­menters. Thank you for read­ing this.

1. What is the project’s purpose?

The pur­pose of the study is to inves­ti­gate the user expe­ri­ence of cur­rent vir­tu­al real­i­ty systems.

2. Why have I been chosen?

Par­tic­i­pants self-select by run­ning the appli­ca­tion on their own equip­ment, or by tak­ing part in a demon­stra­tion in an exhi­bi­tion or oth­er type of meet­ing, or by con­tact­ing us so that we can lend equip­ment to take part

3. Do I have to take part?

It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part.  If you do decide to take part this web page con­tains more infor­ma­tion. You will be asked to sign con­sent to data col­lec­tion with­in the appli­ca­tion.  You can with­draw at any time with­out giv­ing a reason.

4. What will hap­pen to me if I take part?

You can use your own Ocu­lus Quest 1 or 2 to take part. Alter­na­tive­ly we may be able to lend you an Ocu­lus Quest . You will then com­plete a task inside vir­tu­al real­i­ty. Dur­ing the expe­ri­ence you will be watch­ing a per­for­mance.  The expe­ri­ence is seat­ed, so you should find a chair to sit in before you start the vir­tu­al real­i­ty appli­ca­tion. After the expe­ri­ence, you will com­plete a short post-expe­ri­ence ques­tion­naire. The whole exper­i­ment should take approx­i­mate­ly 5 minutes.

5. Will I be record­ed and how will the record­ed media be used?

Data such as track­ing infor­ma­tion from vir­tu­al real­i­ty equip­ment may be record­ed. Data record­ed dur­ing the exper­i­ment may be used for analy­sis, demon­stra­tion and fur­ther research. Any data record­ed will be stored with a unique num­ber. It will not be pos­si­ble to iden­ti­fy par­tic­i­pants through this data.

6. What are the pos­si­ble dis­ad­van­tages and risks of tak­ing part?

Users of vir­tu­al real­i­ty some­times expe­ri­ence some degree of nau­sea. If at any time you wish to stop tak­ing part in the study for this or any rea­son, please do so.  The expe­ri­ence is short and designed to be com­fort­able to use.

Any form of vir­tu­al real­i­ty can be a trig­ger for pho­to­sen­si­tive epilep­sy. Please fol­low the device man­u­fac­tur­ers advice about usage.

7. What are the pos­si­ble ben­e­fits of tak­ing part?

Users will get to expe­ri­ence a nov­el vir­tu­al real­i­ty expe­ri­ence. You may get to bor­row or use an Ocu­lus Quest The ulti­mate goal is to make vir­tu­al real­i­ty more suc­cess­ful as a technology.

8. What if some­thing goes wrong?

Should you wish to raise a com­plaint, please con­tact prin­ci­pal researcher Antho­ny Steed using the con­tact details above. If your com­plaint is not han­dled to your sat­is­fac­tion, you can con­tact the Chair of the UCL Research Ethics Com­mit­tee at

9. Will my tak­ing part in this project be kept confidential?

All the infor­ma­tion that we col­lect about you dur­ing the course of the research will be kept strict­ly con­fi­den­tial. You will not be able to be iden­ti­fied in any ensu­ing reports, pub­li­ca­tions and oth­er dissemination.

Data such as track­ing infor­ma­tion from dis­play equip­ment and oth­er sen­sors may be record­ed and stored with a unique num­ber. It will not be pos­si­ble to iden­ti­fy par­tic­i­pants through this data.

10. Lim­its to confidentiality

Please note that assur­ances on con­fi­den­tial­i­ty will be strict­ly adhered to unless evi­dence of wrong­do­ing or poten­tial harm is uncov­ered. In such cas­es the Uni­ver­si­ty may be oblig­ed to con­tact rel­e­vant statu­to­ry bodies/agencies.

11. What will hap­pen to the results of the research project?

We aim to pub­lish the results of the research as part of a research paper in rel­e­vant jour­nals or con­fer­ences. Should you wish to obtain a copy of the pub­lished results, please con­tact the researchers using the con­tact details above. Any pub­lished results will be avail­able as open access in the UCL library. You will not be per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fied in any report or pub­li­ca­tion, and it will not be pos­si­ble to per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fy par­tic­i­pants from any data presented.

Anonymised data may be stored for sub­se­quent research.

12. Data Pro­tec­tion Pri­va­cy Notice


The data con­troller for this project will be Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Lon­don (UCL). The UCL Data Pro­tec­tion Office pro­vides over­sight of UCL activ­i­ties involv­ing the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data, and can be con­tact­ed at UCL’s Data Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer is Lee Shail­er and he can also be con­tact­ed at

No per­son­al data is col­lect­ed in this study.

If you are con­cerned about how your data is being processed, please con­tact UCL in the first instance at If you remain unsat­is­fied, you may wish to con­tact the Infor­ma­tion Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Con­tact details, and details of data sub­ject rights, are avail­able on the ICO web­site at:

13. Who is organ­is­ing and fund­ing the research?

The research is fund­ed by Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege London

16.   Con­tact for fur­ther information

Antho­ny Steed

Office: 66–72 Gow­er Street, room 4.13, WC1E 6AA.

Phone: +44 (0)20 3108 7112

Thank you for read­ing this infor­ma­tion sheet and for con­sid­er­ing tak­ing part in this research study.