An Online Experiment on Presence

Good vir­tu­al real­i­ty cre­ates a sense of pres­ence — the feel­ing of real­ly being in the vir­tu­al world. But what caus­es pres­ence to hap­pen? We know that cer­tain fea­tures of a vir­tu­al envi­ron­ment help gen­er­ate pres­ence, but oth­er fea­tures can ham­per or break it entire­ly. This exper­i­ment, which runs on Ocu­lus Quest 1 or 2, can pro­vide us data on some of these features. 

I Want to Take Part

If you want to test this ver­sion of Pres­ence Exper­i­ment. The eas­i­est way is to load the appli­ca­tion is to use Sid­e­Quest. You will need to load this APK file using Sid­e­Quest.

You should read the Infor­ma­tion for Par­tic­i­pants. Some of this is repeat­ed inside the application.

Please note that this is a seat­ed VR expe­ri­ence — you should find a chair to sit in before you start the appli­ca­tion. Also ensure that the vol­ume on your head­set is turned up.

Con­sent is giv­en inside the appli­ca­tion itself.

Note that you don’t have to agree to data col­lec­tion if you don’t want, you can just run the demonstration.

If you are going to set up your device to show oth­er peo­ple the demon­stra­tion please read Infor­ma­tion for Exper­i­ment Run­ners.

Tell Me More About the Study

This exper­i­ment is re-built from an ear­li­er ver­sion for Google Card­board and Sam­sung Gear VR. You can read about that ver­sion here. That ver­sion no longer works, but you can read about the results of the exper­i­ment and a paper that we wrote about the results.