Entries by dswapp

VR Club September 2016

We had a busy demo ses­sion at this mon­th’s VR Club. First of all, we had a HoloLens to show, cour­tesy of Dean Mohamedal­ly and his mum! Sec­ond, and more impor­tant­ly, or at least more fun, we were show­ing off for the first time our port of Sur­geon Sim­u­la­tor on the CAVE, see this blog post.

Voices of VR

Antho­ny was recent­ly on the Voic­es of VR Pod­cast, in an episode #416: Research on VR Pres­ence & Plau­si­bil­i­ty with Antho­ny Steed. Pre­vi­ous episodes of the same pod­cast fea­tur­ing mem­bers of the lab have includ­ed: #183: Mel Slater on VR Pres­ence, Vir­tu­al Body Own­er­ship, & the Time Trav­el Illu­sion and #128: Antho­ny Steed on VR Research at […] 

Panoramic Video

We have recent­ly demon­strat­ed a new Panoram­ic Video play­er on our CAVE sys­tem. Built as a fork of Omar Mohamed Ali’s (@omnigamedev) omi­play­er (orig­i­nal course cur­rent­ly closed, our fork on Bit­buck­et here). Works sur­pris­ing­ly well and is lots of fun. Cer­tain­ly can see more action in the video because of the wider field of view, but […]