Our research often involves car­ry­ing out user stud­ies, both in-per­son at UCL and online, often using nov­el VR hard­ware and software.

This page lists user stud­ies that are cur­rent­ly hap­pen­ing in the depart­ment, which are active­ly look­ing for participants.

Thank you for your inter­est — please check the list below and use the links to sign up or con­tact us.

Study Name RewardDura­tionLoca­tionDatesSign-up LinkCon­tact
Sev­er­al new studiesVar­i­ous30–60 min­utes169 Euston RoadEar­ly 2025vrgroup@ucl.ac.uk

Mailing List

If you would like to be noti­fied when we start a new user study you can par­tic­i­pate in, please sign up to our mail­ing list via this link.

We will send out new emails only to noti­fy you of new stud­ies, and you can unsub­scribe at any time by fol­low­ing the link at the bot­tom of our emails.