Metameric Light Fields
Prithvi Kohli, David R. Walton, Rafael Kuffner dos Anjos, Anthony Steed and Tobias Ritschel
To be presented as a poster at IEEEVR 2022
[Poster] | [Short Paper] | [Teaser Video] | [Project Page]

Ventral metamers, pairs of images which may differ substantially in the periphery, but are perceptually identical, offer exciting new possibilities in foveated rendering and image compression, as well as offering insights into the human visual system. However, existing literature has mainly focused on creating metamers of static images. In this work, we develop a method for creating sequences of metameric frames, videos or light fields, with enforced consistency along the temporal, or angular, dimension. This greatly expands the potential applications for these metamers, and expanding metamers along the third dimension offers further new potential for compression.
Comparison: Metameric Light Fields vs Baseline Methods
Comparison: Ground Truth vs Metameric Light Fields
Compression Examples
This work was funded by the EPSRC/UKRI project EP/T01346X/1.