VR Jam Team Members

The team are all mem­bers of the Vir­tu­al Envi­ron­ments and Com­put­er Graph­ics group at Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege London.

  • Antho­ny Steed, team lead, exper­i­ment design, ethics case, appli­ca­tion pro­gram­ming, web pages
  • Sebas­t­ian Fris­ton, motion cap­ture, ani­ma­tion modelling
  • Maria Mur­cia Lopez, ques­tion­naire imple­men­ta­tion, scene modelling
  • Jason Drum­mond, main scene mod­el­ling, avatar modelling
  • Ye Pan, avatar mod­el­ling and animation
  • David Swapp, web pages


The bar scene is based on a mod­el by Eno­zone (French Pub Inte­ri­or) which is avail­able on the Uni­ty Asset Store. We heav­i­ly opti­mised the mod­el for the mobile platform.

Thanks to Kelvin Wong and Meg Hol­lands for per­form­ing the song, No Guar­an­tee by Bosco and Peck, licensed from beatpick.com

Thanks to Ben Met­sers for audio design and recording.

Making Of


The appli­ca­tion was built in Uni­ty 5.

We used a cou­ple of dif­fer­ent Opti­trak motion cap­ture sys­tems (one in the Mixed Real­i­ty Lab, one in the HMD Lab) to cap­ture ani­ma­tions. Ani­ma­tions were manip­u­lat­ed or con­struct­ed in MotionBuilder.

Facial ani­ma­tion was cap­tured using the Faceshift software.

The bar scene is based on a mod­el by Eno­zone (French Pub Inte­ri­or) which is avail­able on the Uni­ty Asset Store. We heav­i­ly opti­mised the mod­el for the mobile platform.

We test­ed appli­ca­tion flow with the Ocu­lus DK2 before port­ing to the Sam­sung Gear VR.