Information for Participants in the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Study

This study has been approved by the UCL Research Ethics Com­mit­tee (Project ID Num­ber 0439/002).

The study is direct­ed by Prof. Antho­ny Steed, Depart­ment of Com­put­er Sci­ence, Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Lon­don, Gow­er Street, Lon­don WC1E 6BT

Details of Study

The pur­pose of the study is to inves­ti­gate the effec­tive­ness of cur­rent vir­tu­al real­i­ty systems.

The study is for peo­ple who own or have access to a Sam­sung Gear VR head-mount­ed dis­play or a Google Card­board device with a suit­able phone.

You will put on the head-mount­ed dis­play. Head­phones are advised. The whole expe­ri­ence should take about 5 minutes.


Inside the vir­tu­al real­i­ty appli­ca­tion there will be voice instruc­tions. If you need to respond to a ques­tion, the way to do this is to look at one of the pos­si­ble answers; keep­ing your gaze on an object for 2 sec­onds trig­gers a click.

The first ques­tion will be whether you are an adult and whether you con­sent to data col­lec­tion. You do not need to con­sent to data col­lec­tion. If you do not you will be asked some ques­tions any­way to con­fig­ure the envi­ron­ment and this data will not be record­ed after the expe­ri­ence. If you have con­sent­ed to data col­lec­tion we will record your answers to this question.

You will then do the main task. This will involve mov­ing through a series of rooms. Fur­ther voice instruc­tions will be given.

After the main task is com­plete, if you have con­sent­ed to data col­lec­tion, some more ques­tions will be asked.

After this, a short screen will show you some infor­ma­tion about what you did, and if you con­sent­ed to data col­lec­tion, this data will be uploaded to a secure server.

Removal of Data

You have a right to remove data, but because we do not know the iden­ti­ty of any par­tic­i­pant, the way that this will need to be done is to remove all the data record­ed by a spe­cif­ic device. Please email the team at, who will pro­vide instruc­tions. You will need to have the device that was being used.  See the Data Dele­tion page for fur­ther details.


By tak­ing part in this exper­i­ment you are help­ing us to under­stand what aspects of vir­tu­al real­i­ty are impor­tant to the users. You are under no oblig­a­tion to assist in this study, and if you want to stop at any point, please do so. No data is sent from the device until the exper­i­ment is completed.

Pro­longed use of a head-mount­ed dis­play may cause eye­strain. This exper­i­ment is short and thus there should be no effects. Please refer to the doc­u­men­ta­tion with the GearVR or Google Card­board for oth­er advice about usage of the equipment.

All data will be col­lect­ed and stored in accor­dance with the Unit­ed Kingdom’s Data Pro­tec­tion Act 1998. The source data will not be pub­li­cal­ly shared.

This is an on-going study. Please do not dis­cuss the study with oth­ers who might take part. Please see our web page for dis­cus­sion about the results, and a debriefing.

Please pro­ceed to the Con­sent Form instructions.