Data Deletion
We offer you the right to delete your data from our study. Our study records no personally identifying information, so the only way we can do this is to delete all data that was collected by your device.
Please follow these steps:
- You will need to find your “Android ID”. We recommend the app “System Info for Android”. Please install this, and then go to “System” tab, then “OS” and write down the 16 character string named “Android ID”. You can delete the app afterwards.
- Please email “” with a request to delete data for the device. Please include the Android ID.
- We expect that within three working days we will have deleted the data. We will confirm deletion to you via email.
- After we have confirmed deletion, to comply with our data protection standards we will delete your email request, so that we do not retain personally identifying information for you.
Please note that while we offer the right to delete data, approximately one month after the data has been collected, summative reports of the data may have been made available on our web page or submitted for publication. Thus it may not be possible to alter these summative reports.