Informed Consent for Participants in the ‘Effectiveness of Virtual Reality’ Study

This study has been approved by the UCL Research Ethics Com­mit­tee (Project ID Num­ber 0439/002).

You will be asked for your con­sent to col­lect data inside the vir­tu­al real­i­ty application.

By giv­ing your con­sent inside the appli­ca­tion you confirm:

  • I have read the notes writ­ten above and the Infor­ma­tion Sheet, and under­stand what the study involves.
  • I under­stand that if I decide at any time that I no longer wish to take part in this project, I can noti­fy the researchers involved and with­draw immediately.
  • I under­stand that such infor­ma­tion will be treat­ed as strict­ly con­fi­den­tial and han­dled in accor­dance with the pro­vi­sions of the Unit­ed King­dom Data Pro­tec­tion Act 1998.
  • I agree that the research project named above has been explained to me to my sat­is­fac­tion and I agree to take part in this study.
  • I under­stand that the infor­ma­tion I have sub­mit­ted will be pub­lished as a report and I will be able to access a copy of that report online. Con­fi­den­tial­i­ty and anonymi­ty will be main­tained and it will not be pos­si­ble to iden­ti­fy me from any publications.
  • I agree that my non-per­son­al research data may be used by oth­ers for future research. I am assured that the con­fi­den­tial­i­ty of data will be upheld through the removal of identifiers